An Open Apology to My Ex-Girlfriend

After having a few days to think about the situation and pray over it, I realize now that all I want is for you to be happy.  That’s all I have EVER wanted for you. 

Please forgive me for the harsh knee-jerk reaction I had in my post about being in a bad mood.  It was a jealous and very childish response to your wonderful celebration of unity and love.  I don’t desire that you or your new husband deal with any undue pain or illness.  That was wrong and not very kind or Christlike of me to say.  I hope you can forgive me. 

I’m hopeful that God will bless you both and give you the love that you have always been searching for in a spouse.  I hope he’s able to possess the confidence and spiritual leadership that you desire from a husband, and I pray that he’s able to love and protect you, honor you and cherish you, support you and pray over you all the days that God gives you together on this Earth. 

I know you like to compete, but if you choose to compete for anything with your new husband, make it a competition to see which of you can love the other more. 

Don’t harbor resentment against him if he doesn’t do the things you want, or if he fails to follow through on a goal that he has set.  Let the wrongs suffered remain in the past and look at the future with eyes always on the One who brought you together. 

Cherish him.  Console him.  Honor him.  Pray for him.  Love him.

In conclusion, I hope your new marriage and this journey that God has established for you both is filled with warmth, compassion, laughter, grace and many wonderful memories. 

Always remember that I miss you…and I still love you.

I always will.

God bless you both and may you live long and enjoy every moment together. 

Because if anyone deserves it …  you do.

Congratulations, sweetheart.





A couple years ago, a group of numb-nuts in the world of reality television all got together in a padded cell and asked themselves,

“So, what kind of train wreck can we put on the air for the weak-minded and unstable followers of this world to start watching, then want to look away from, but can’t?”

After numerous doses of CymbaltaLexapro and Wellbutrin; one of the less medicated stood up and shouted…

“I know!  I know!!!  let’s make a television show where soon to be brides, who are extremely insecure with their appearance, compete for a chance to win plastic surgery that may or may not make them look better!!!”

And this is where the show Bridalplasty was created! 

The show had only one season from what I can find.  IMDb says it had two, but I can’t locate the second season anywhere, so I think it’s a misprint.  

The show is about twelve or thirteen contestants who are soon-to-be brides.  All of them have some kind of flaw that they don’t like about their appearance and would absolutely love to get plastic surgery to fix said flaw. 

Within each episode the contestants are given certain bridal “challenges” that they must complete within a certain amount of time.  Then each challenge is judged by someone important within the realm of bridal/wedding preparations who thinks more highly of themselves than they ought. 

lizardtongueEvery challenge has a “winner” (and I use that term loosely) who gets to choose from a list of plastic surgeries that they submitted with their application to join the show.  

At the end of the season there is ONE overall “winner” who gets to have all their remaining plastic surgeries completed from their list.

The show is very pathetic and made me hurt just watching it…

yes…I watched all ten episodes.  Why? 


Because it was funny!

That…and I got hooked on watching these crazy women do some horrible things to their faces and bodies.  LOL!!!!   (<—I think that’s the first time I’ve ever put an “lol” in one of my posts, but it’s worth it!)

crazyeyesThe fact that these women were so eager to go under the knife just made the show even more pathetic.  Not too mention, all the “post surgeries” these women suffered through. 

OH!  Yeah…I almost forgot to mention the contestants in recovery!!!  

They didn’t have to compete in the next challenges because they had to be cleared by their doctors before they performed any physical activity, so they sat in the “recovery” room in the house until the doctor cleared them. 

It wasn’t uncommon to have two or more contestants in the recovery room at the same time because each “winner” was having something done that required a minimum one-week bed rest.

The entire show was a pathetic masterpiece that revealed the torture that women will subject themselves to for a more attractive appearance.

If you want to watch it, I think it’s still on Netflix streaming; but if you choose to watch it, don’t say I didn’t warn you…The show is a train wreck from beginning to end, and once your eye catches it, you just can’t seem to look away.  

Bridalplasty  =  Pathetic!