Poets Challenge!

Just a Reminder!!

If you’re interested, please come up with a poem that contains 4 (four) linesThat’s all.  No more…no less!

Four (4) complete lines of text that describe this picture:  


Once you have come up with your poem, please email me at RTFYBLOG@gmail.com with “poem challenge” in the subject line.  Don’t forget to include a link to your blog or at least your blog name so I know who to give credit to.  

You may submit as many poems as you like, but make sure they are only 4 lines total, please. 

The cut-off date for your submissions is April 5th.  I know that’s not a lot of time, but I have faith in your creative ability to come up with something pathetic.

After April 5th, I will choose which FIVE (5) I find the most pathetic.  Those five will be published as guest posts on my blog during the month of April.

This is open to everyone, and I’m looking forward to the submissions.  So get to work and let’s see what kind of pathetic poems you can create that describe that photo above! 

Wacky Stuff


While waiting for Pinata to come back to work from a long illness that may or may not be real; I’d like to keep your spirits up by letting you know that even though I don’t live in the big city, my little area of the world still has a few pathetic occurrences that happen at random.   

And you’ll also be happy to know that I’ve been able to capture some of these pathetic events on camera.  

Would you like to see some of them? 

Of course you would!!

Let’s begin with this UPS truck driver trying to squeeze between a parked car and a Home-moving truck.   Believe it or not, he made it through by folding in the side mirror on the parked car. 

(click on the picture for a larger image)



This lady rode her bike past me on the road and if you notice, she has a bike helmet on over her sun hat.  When she rode past me, she looked at me like I was the oddball.  

At least she was safety minded.

(click on the picture for a larger image)

Woman with two hats in DT lincoln_1


This was a co-anchor at one of our local stations.  She’s pretty, isn’t she?  

I had to take this picture because the dress she was wearing was…


I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. 



This is a road sign that was hung at an intersection during the holidays.  Clever?  yes! 

And it also helped to impede traffic as more and more of us were stopping to take a picture of it. 

(click on the picture for a larger image)



I can’t take credit for this next picture.  My sister actually took this one in Grand Forks, North Dakota.  These are holiday lights hung on the light poles.

do you see anything odd or strange about them? 



I took this picture a couple years ago as I was approaching an intersection.

At least she was obeying the law.  

(click on the picture for a larger image)



And Finally…

Does anyone else think the Nutri-bullet spokesman guy resembles Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons? 

yes?  –  no?


Pathetic is everywhere, you just have to know where to look for it!