I’m finished with wordpress…

My last post took me nearly two hours to type up due to the fact that wordpress has created a text editing horror show.

I’ve tried to post on here since the change a couple years ago, but honestly, this stupid mess of frustration is reminiscent of my previous place of employment.

Therefore, I will no longer be posting on this forum.

I am currently looking for another blog site to host my page that doesn’t have the most pathetic piece of crap block editing garbage dump known to man.

I’ll let you know where I move to when I find it. — who knows….maybe I’ll just start my own blog site and actually listen to the users instead of making pathetic changes and then forcing it on everyone without testing it.

If someone out there actually likes the feel and the pathetic layout of this block editing mess, well… you’re just as pathetic as the dip-doodles who created it and forced it on the users.

Suck it wordpress.

Some advice for the readers out there…

  • I can easily refute an argument that is formed in the comments, however, I was taught years ago not to get into a pissing contest with a fool; therefore, I don’t believe in getting into debates in a comments section so don’t even attempt it.


  • If you attempt to poke that bear and continue to leave comments that are trying to foster a debate or create posts on your blog to try and lure me into your pathetic ignorance, I’ll delete your comments and block your sorry ass from commenting on my blog.  — My advice, don’t poke the bear.


  • Just because you have a degree in a certain field doesn’t mean you’re a genius in that field, nor does it mean that you have any wisdom what-so-ever in that field of study. 

Believe me, I know A LOT of people who have doctorates or master’s degrees in a specific field…they’ve spent years working in those fields…but they never learned anything.  It’s all huff and fluff with not a shred of substance . . .in layman’s terms: “surface knowledge”. . . and it’s quite pathetic when they attempt to declare their so-called “wisdom” because it turns out to be ignorance and nonsense.  So, please take my advice… just shut your pie hole and walk away.  Don’t talk.  Don’t type.  Just walk away.    


  • Don’t try to assume or presume that you know me or who I am as an individual.  Reading my blog might give you a .0000000001% of knowing anything about me, but it doesn’t mean you know me so take my advice and don’t presume or assume anything about me just because you read one of my posts. 


  • I find it pathetic when people fail to recognize that they aren’t as humble as they like to imagine themselves to be.  Truth is, if you think your opinion matters and you feel like you just have to tell someone how wrong they are, you’re not humble.  You’re arrogant.  My advice…keep your mouth shut and fingers off the keyboard.  It’s better not to say anything and appear to have humility than to create more problems with your pathetic words.   


  • If you don’t like my advice…I don’t care, it’s my blog…not yours…and it’s pathetic to think otherwise.  (also, if you think my blog is here for you to voice your opinions…you’re wrong.)  


  • Pathetic is as pathetic does and I enjoy writing about pathetic.  If you don’t like that subject or think it’s divisive, my advice is simple…don’t read my blog.

What Microsoft got wrong with the Xbox One X

Recently, Microsoft unveiled their new gaming console the Xbox One X to be released this November (2017), and it’s supposed to be the most powerful gaming console on the market, but in my humble opinion Microsoft got it wrong.

Okay…maybe they didn’t get it “wrong”, but I do think they missed a great opportunity.  

The specs on the Xbox One X gaming system surpass any regular computer system on the market:

  • 8-core AMD processor, 12 GB of graphics memory with an Ultra HD 4K Drive for movies, along with 8 gigs of internal flash memory and a 1 terabyte hard drive for storage, all for a hefty price tag of $499.  

Additionally, the console runs on a Windows 10 like platform, which means that Microsoft isn’t really selling a video game system at all.  

It’s a screaming fast computer that doesn’t come with a monitor, keyboard or mouse; and in this bloggers humble opinion, instead of advertising and marketing this system as just another gaming device with more power and selling it for the price of a new washing machine, Microsoft should have thrown in a wireless keyboard and mouse and advertised this system as a brand new whole home entertainment system that connects to your TV.

After all, who wouldn’t want to consolidate their technology and rid themselves of multiple devices; i.e. old computer, old monitors, old gaming device and old DVD/Blu-ray player, and replace it with one system that connects to their television?

This could have been the One system that set the standard by allowing end users to watch and play true 4k movies and video games.  Surf the web.  Shop Online.  Do their banking.  Skype with friends and family in true 4k resolution…(with the optional 4k webcam of course)...and do it all with one system.

In addition Microsoft could have offered the full Microsoft Office Suite as a promotional for anyone who exchanged an old gaming system for a new Xbox One X, offering even more incentives for those who exchange a Sony gaming system.

Accordingly, Microsoft could have also spent a couple more years designing a smaller “X” device.  A wireless hub allowing multiple user connections to multiple Microsoft accounts in various rooms of the house.  The’X’ device could be similar to the Amazon Echo or Google Home mini, but with Cortana’s voice recognition software and a builtin 4K webcam.

This smaller ‘X’ device could allow the Xbox One X to provide true “whole home” access while providing flexibility for end users to perform multiple online engagements at the same time while using televisions or monitors in separate rooms of the house. 

For example, the main Xbox One device would be in the family room where one person is streaming a movie, while another family member is sitting in their bedroom playing a video game with an “X” device connected to a television or monitor, while yet another family member is working on homework using Microsoft Office with the “X” device connected to a third television or monitor in a third room of the house.  

Pathetically, Microsoft failed to create a whole home entertainment system and market it as such. 

I firmly believe they missed an opportunity to not only corner the market on the gaming industry, but the home entertainment industry and the home computer industry as well.

Maybe in time Microsoft will figure it out, but for now…they pathetically got it wrong with the Xbox One X.