Weather is not a villain

Beware the “”BOMB CYCLONE !!!””   

It’s menacing ferocity of bone-chilling cold will paralyze the masses and wreak havoc with snarling wind-driven snow while causing chaos of unimaginable proportions!

No one will be immune to its destructive power as it bares down on the unsuspecting majority!!

Take cover now!   

Run for the hills!   

Batten down the hatches! 

Store up food and supplies for a lifetime because the “”BOMB CYCLONE !!!”” will be so powerful that the world will shut down forever and you may never see the sun again!!!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

— sigh —

Okay, Sooooo…that might be a bit exaggerated…but it’s what goes through my mind every time I look at a weather page and see the words…’Bomb Cyclone’.

In my humble opinion calling a major winter storm a “bomb cyclone” is pathetically way over the top.  I mean . . . when did weather patterns turn into super villains?

After all, winter is winter.  

It comes every year on December 21st and lasts for about three months, and during that three month period a few winter storms come and go.

Some snow…some ice…a few winds blow…some cold air drops in from the north…

It’s winter.

It’s not a villain.

It’s weather. 

And it’s pathetic how media personalities and educated idiots try to throw people into a panic by making a mountain out of mole hills.  

What’s worse is how many cattle will eat this crap up and regurgitate it because they don’t know how NOT to be a follower.  





Winter, The Pathetic Season


I hate snow.  I hate freeze your face off, dry your skin, bitter stinkin’ cold. 

I hate all things that deal with winter. 

I see no reason for this season.  Therefore, I have dubbed it a pathetic season.


Everything in nature basically dies in winter.  The grass dies, trees die, bugs die, animals die…so what’s the point of having a season of death? 

Freezing temps come in winter with dry air that causes wrinkles and there is no amount of lotion that can cure the dry skin that ails us all.  And shaving…ever try to shave your face when your skin is dry?   No?   Well, let me tell ya…it’s like rubbing sandpaper on your skin for ten minutes and then pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wound. 

And with the cold comes the opportunity to bake and cook and make meals that we don’t normally make in the warmer months, therefore, weight gain happens. 

Sure, you can attempt to eat healthy but it’s futility because the longer you’re indoors, the more you crave something hearty and delicious.  The more you crave hearty and delicious, the more you desire to watch the cooking channel.  The more you watch the cooking channel, the more ideas you get for cooking something hearty and delicious.  The more ideas you get to cook something hearty and delicious, the more you crave something hearty and delicious.  It’s a vicious, pathetic cycle. 

And with the weight gain comes the uncomfortable situation of wearing clothes that don’t fit.  And with that comes the thought that you’ve gained so much weight that you’re unhappy with how you look and feel.  So you feel it necessary to wear baggy clothes to cover up and hide your excess weight gain.  You can wear a lot of layers in winter, but who wants to do that?  That’s restricting and stifling.  Which is even more uncomfortable. 



Then the snow flies and we have to shovel it.  Ice comes and no one can walk or drive safely in it. 

The other day we had some snow falling and the roads became slick.  As I was driving along, I watched a person in a brand new four-wheel drive vehicle weave in and out of traffic like the streets were dry and clear. 

As they approached the intersection, the light turned red and they were far enough away to come to a stop, but since the road conditions were so slick they slid through the intersection.  How they didn’t cause a wreck is only by the grace of almighty God.  Four-wheel drive is great in the deep stuff, but not on icy roads.   

So here’s a new slogan for the winter season…

“Winter.  The season of death.  It’s clearly pathetic.”


Agree? don’t agree?   There’s a section below where you can moo all you want.   


Open Letter To New England Residents

 snow depth_4

So I hear you people in the “pansy states” got a little bit of snow in the past 24 hours. 

Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but I’d like to share something with you…


snow depth_224 inches in 24 hours?   That’s nothing compared to the 36 inches in 20 hours that people in Buffalo, NY have to deal with almost every winter.  And it doesn’t happen just once…it happens multiple times over the course of four months, but no one labels their storms “historic”.   

Or how about the 30 inches of snow that fall in 24 hours in the higher elevations of the rocky mountains … MULTIPLE TIMES A MONTH!?!? 

Shouldn’t those storms be labeled “historic” too?

Or the winter storms that blow through the northern states on a daily basis that leave near record amounts of snowfall in places like Fargo, ND; Bismark, ND; International Falls, MN and Green Bay, WI or even Alaska’s multiple snowstorms that dump record amounts of snow in that state every other week!

Snow DepthWow…it’s weird how when you go further north, the snowfall amounts seem to increase, but no one ever puts the “historic” label on those storms.   I wonder why that is…

And let’s not forget about the media coverage. 

Almost every media station is attempting to beat into their viewers how AMAZING the images are that people from the affected area posted on social media.  

Welllll….ha, ha, ha…I have some “news” for those cattle who consider themselves to be part of the media…

snow depth_1Since the inception of social media, people have been posting pictures of storms just like this one!  …  yeah…they have! …  If you don’t believe me, just do a google search for past snow storms and there’s a ton of pictures that pop up. 


Also, snow storms are supposed to happen during the winter months.  Sometimes they happen more than once a year, but just like all the other snow storms that happened in the past, the snow will eventually melt. 

I know that’s hard for your pathetic little pea-brains to grasp, but please try! 

Some of us are getting sick and tired of how much emphasis you’re putting on something that happens EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!   

By the way…I also find it pathetic how you wimpy attention whores in the “news” try to stress how big a deal it is that a few million people have to take a couple days off from work and school because of a few inches of the white stuff. 


It’s not a big deal because most of those people will be able to work from home anyway and honestly, how many of them will really be missed if they don’t make it to work?  It’s not like they actually work a full eight hour day when it doesn’t snow!!

In closing, the amount of snow you received wasn’t all that special…so quit your bitchin’, take your snow day and post your stupid pictures up on social media for the whole world to see how much fun you’re having after 24+ inches of snow falls on your pansy-ass state.

People who want to make a bigger deal out of a snow storm than they should, are pathetic!