Ethics. Does the Law Change When a Natural Disaster Occurs?


It’s two o’clock in the morning.  You’re sitting at a red light.  

There is no one else at the intersection.

If you decide to run the red light, did you break the law?  

Now, let’s change that up…

You live in a flooded city.  Your power is out, you have no food, you’re wet and hungry.

The city is being evacuated, but you don’t know how long it will be before they reach you.

You see a grocery store nearby and decide to wade over.  When you reach the entrance of the store you find out it’s locked.

No one else is around.  It’s just you.

If you break a window and steal food from the store, did you break the law?    


ABC news correspondent, Tom Llamas, and a group of police officers were patrolling an area in Houston when they came across a possible deceased person in the water.

At the very same time Tom also spotted a group of people looting a nearby store and made the decision to inform the police who were with him.  

The authorities called in the Coast Guard who then proceeded to disperse the people and made sure there wasn’t any further looting.  

Tom posted the event on twitter.

And the bullying began.

The bullying Twits didn’t take too kindly to Tom’s actions and vilified him for pointing out people who were breaking the law because they claimed those people had the right to loot because they were hungry or in need and Tom should have turned a blind eye.

The Twits called him names and chastised him for doing the ethical thing.

I find it odd how a group of wannabe’s in our society are under the strange impression that when a natural disaster occurs, the law somehow changes or becomes obsolete; therefore, they believe and rationalize that people have the right to loot, steal, rape, pillage, destroy and murder as long as they do it under the pretense that they are “in need“. 

I wonder if the Twits would still approve of the looting if a natural disaster happened in their town or city and people they didn’t know began looting from their homes and businesses?

After all…according to the bullying Twits, if a natural disaster occurs, that means the law changes and looting is okay as long as people are “in need”

Consequently, a natural disaster does NOT change the law, nor does sitting alone at a red light at two in the morning, nor does your social upbringing or monetary circumstances.  

I don’t care if you don’t agree.  

The law never changes for your convenience or needs because it’s there to protect you from yourself.  

YOU SHALL NOT” has never changed and it never will no matter how people try to rationalize it.   

Therefore, what Tom did by pointing out the looters to law enforcement was the correct thing to do.  It was the moral thing to do.  It was the ethical thing to do.  And I commend him for it!

We need more people like Tom Llamas in the world.  


People who try to rationalize immoral, law-breaking behavior while vilifying those who don’t are pathetic. 




Who Proves the ‘Experts’ Wrong? – – God does.


Between 2002 and 2007 there was a drought in Nebraska.  

It was so bad that the water level in the largest man-made lake in Nebraska was determined to be at catastrophic levels and…according to experts…the lake would not be filled up again for nearly a century.  

— that’s right. . .100 years.  

Which caused a lot of stress and worry among the many farmers and ranchers who use the water in the lake for irrigation and watering livestock.  

However…just when the ‘experts’ began to throw their proverbial nonsense around, it started to rain and snow in Western and Central Nebraska.

And while the rains and snows kept falling in Western and Central Nebraska, the water levels in the largest lake in Nebraska kept rising.  

So much rain fell that within a couple years the lake was so full that the so-called ‘experts’ had to open the spillways that hadn’t been opened in roughly 40 years.  

Here’s a quick review…  

2007 – Lake McConaughy at lowest levels recorded in 60+ years.  — “Experts” at numerous Universities and geological institutions predict that because of drought conditions and high water use for irrigation, it’ll take 100 years or more to fill up again.

2009 – Moisture begins to fall from the sky in the form of rain and snow.  The runoff causes rivers to swell and water to pour into lake McConaughy.

2015 – Lake McConaughy near capacity at 97%.

2017 – Lake McConaughy at normal or above normal levels.    


Over the past 5 years a drought in California has caused the water levels in the lakes, rivers and reservoirs to drop to undesirable levels.

“Experts” at numerous universities, climate and geological institutions predict that the water levels are so low and usage is so high (for irrigation) that it will take 100 years or more of constant rains to fill the lakes back to moderate levels again.

However…an interesting thing happened. . .

Over the course of the past two years moisture started falling from the sky and covered the state of California with snow and rain.

As this strange substance continued to fall from the sky and cover the ground in the form of snow and rain, the rivers swelled. . . the lakes filled . . . the streets flooded. . . and the “experts” were once again proven to be unreliable and incorrect in their assumptions about how long it would take for the lakes and rivers to fill up again.

Click here to see before and after photos of the California drought.

So what caused all the rain and snow to fall to make the lakes, rivers and reservoirs rise so rapidly after such unbelievable droughts?  

The majority of ‘experts‘ like to say that it was because of strange weather patterns caused by global man-made climate change, but they never give credit where credit is due.  Even when proven wrong over and over again.  

Experts come and experts go, but God remains forever and He has the whole world held together by the hand of His Son.  

You see, all credit belongs to God for filling up the lakes and rivers in such a short period of time.

So, next time a drought occurs in the land, don’t listen to the so-called ‘experts’ telling you how devastating it is or how long it’ll take to fill of the lakes and rivers.  Instead, get on your knees and thank the God of Heaven for providing an opportunity to prove the experts wrong and to see how wonderful His miracles really are.

It’s pathetic to follow the ‘experts’ when the ‘experts’ aren’t all that experienced.

Lake McConaughy 2007

Lake McConaughy – 2015



Scientific Data Does NOT Support Climate Change…

When it comes to the climate of the earth there are many of you fearenvironmentalists that think that I’m off my rocker, but what if a Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist tells you what I’ve been trying to tell you but in a more scientific manner?  

If you don’t believe me, that’s fine…but when you disagree with a man who’s spent his entire life studying physics and scientific data, you’re just pathetic. 

My advice is that you start looking at the REAL data and stop listening to the fearenvironmentalists who are lying to you just so they can get their grant funding from the government.