“Truth”, “Lies” and the NEW American Way

There are a number of cattle in the herd who have no clue what the word “truth” actually means, and the reason is very simple. . . most have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that “truth” is subjective, immorally irrelevant, and that “truth” is whatever looks or sounds possible, probable or remotely plausible.

For example:

If it’s printed by a pathetic media outlet (or on the back of a cereal box) it must be true.
If a drug-addicted, alcoholic moron said or wrote it, it must be true.
If it came from an authority figure who has not had a real job in 30+ years, it must be true.
If it came from anyone inside their close circle of pathetic ignorance, it must be true.
If it was a comment by a figurehead who can only recite what is printed on a teleprompter, it must be true.

Get the idea?

Therefore, based on these examples, there are a lot of cattle in the herd who live in these Divided States of America who will never believe or accept FACTUAL truth simply because they don’t want to believe what they’ve been believing for so long . . . is flat out wrong.

For them, lies are truth and truth are lies, and they can spread their lies as easy as spreading their vegan-soy butter made from the milk of an onion seed on toast made from highly organic bread that only contains “all-natural” grains that don’t contain any animal by-products or man-made chemicals and baked in a non-electric, molded out of clay, bee-hived shaped oven that is heated only by the solar cosmic radiation that’s emitted from the sun.

These cattle also seem to believe that your truth isn’t the same as my truth, so your truth needs to be objectified with comments that make you look stupid and make them look intelligent.

The point?

Cattle in today’s world do not want actual truth.  The world wants lies to masquerade as truth so they can live in harmony with their own pathetically charged naive stupidity.

Therefore, what does it matter how much dis-information is poured into the minds of the naive and unsuspecting of the herd when the majority of the herd believes what they want and 99% of their belief amounts to nothing.

The ironic nature of this curiously pathetic situation is that these strange creatures roaming around the pasture we like to call “earth” are doing the very thing they never thought they would do. . .

They are proving through their lies that truth is actually . . .well . . . TRUTH.

Here’s an example…

This really great book, also known as: The Bible, has a lot of truth written in its pages about the nature of humanity. 

Take Second Timothy 3:2-3 for example.  It mentions how humans will behave in the last days before Jesus returns:  

“For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…”  (italics mine)

And let’s look at examples in today’s world that support this truth…

Crypto currency scams, increased spending on lottery tickets, increased gambling, influencing higher minimum wages, real estate fraud, stock market scams, historically large amounts of people losing money to hackers and scammers, thefts on the rise, smash and grabs at department stores, and the porn industry exploding with more young women getting involved than ever thought possible. . .

What do all of these have in common?  They are all examples of how people in the world are doing everything they can to become wealthy.  And what drives that motivation?  . . .  The love of money, but the love of self also drives it.

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the phrase:  “You just need to love yourself first.”  An ideology that blatantly goes against everything Jesus taught, and yet it’s being preached in just about every single churchian corner of the world. 

Love of self is what causes a lot of selfish ambition; furthermore, because of love of self, people become boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient, ungrateful, reckless, treacherous, conceited and lovers of all sorts of selfish pleasures.

The love of self is a lie, but it’s been preached as truth because far too many people take the commandment out of context. 

Everyone wants to quote “love your neighbor AS YOU love yourself,” but that’s incorrect.  The actual commandment is:  “Love your neighbor, AS YOURSELF.”  — there is no pronoun after the word “as”. 

Now, I’ll spare you the sermon, but I will tell you that loving yourself first isn’t a commandment from God.  He never spoke or recorded it.  It can’t be found anywhere in scripture.

So, let’s get something cleared up…

God never commanded anyone to love themselves first.  NEVER!!! 

Consequently, if we look at the original commandment as it’s written in Leviticus 19:18, we see an even more interesting truth:  “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.”  (bold & italics mine)

So, we can say that God commands that we “‘should’ not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people” . . . correct?   Nope!!!  If we use the word “should” that opens the door for us to make an assumption about WHEN or IF we should take revenge or bear a grudge, but God doesn’t leave any room for debate. 

God makes a direct, matter-of-fact statement in the words:  SHALL NOT.   There’s no room for debate.  Don’t do it!  Period! 

Sadly, we humans want to exact revenge or bear a grudge whenever possible, and in doing so we lie against the truth and fail to love our neighbors because we never enact vengeance upon our own person.  Furthermore, we do it out of selfish ambition.

Speaking of selfish ambition, those in the herd who believe lies to be truth have also proven another portion of scripture to be factual.  James, the brother of our Lord Jesus, writes:  “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.”  James 3:14 (italics mine)

To prove this, God had the Apostle Paul write to the people of Galatia,  “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these…”  Gal 5:19-21 (bold & italics mine) 

Everything listed is proof that the people who are believing lies to be truth are living with jealously and selfish ambition.

They live their lives filled and emersed in sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, etc, etc, etc. 

Get the picture?

Therefore, the truth IS the Word of God; and lies are anything contrary to the Word of God.

The Truth of God’s word will set you free.  The lies that are contrary to the Word of God will keep you enslaved and shackled.

Sadly, and quite pathetically, humans would rather live in the slavery and shackles of a lie than be set free through the Truth of the Word of God.

Welcome to the All-NEW American way of life.  = Truth, Lies or whatever you want to believe.  

As pathetic as it is, I’m left to wonder just how much more pathetic things can get. . . Unfortunately, I think we’re about to find out.



Recipe for Civil War

The ingredients:

1 part lies

1 part deception

1 part ignorance

1 part anxiety

1 part fear

1 part frustration

1 part stupidity

1 part selfishness

1 part anger

1 part bitterness

1 part hate

1 part greed

1 part hostility

1 part violence (if desired)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

**Note:  No oven is needed for this recipe.  The mixture is self-baking and radiates enough internal heat to bake on its own.** 

In a large bowl begin by combining half the lies, deception and ignorance and blend on a low speed until it appears to be almost blended.  It should have the consistency of a lumpy mess.  If it’s smooth, keep blending until the lumps appear.

Once the mixture looks like a lumpy mess, add in the anxiety, fear and frustration then blend on a low speed until the mixture resembles wet sand.  Slightly increase blender speed to medium low and one at time, blending well after each is added, add in stupidity, then selfishness, then anger, then bitterness.  Blend until the mixture becomes a very thick and almost hardened substance.  It should look like rocks by this point.

Remove from the blender and quickly fold in the remaining half of the lies, deception and ignorance.  It should form a hardened ball after a few quick stirs.

Add in the hate and keep stirring.  It’ll take some time, but the mixture should appear to soften and mellow at this point.  The hate will give off it’s own heat and help the mixture to solidify and bake on it’s own.

Set aside and let harden completely by secluding the mixture in a well-confined space for a period of time.

Once it’s completely hardened, remove from confined space and top off with greed and hostility.  Riots should form on the surface.

Add garnish of violence if desired.