Public Apology


I’m sorry. 

I’m sorry that I wasn’t good enough,

fast enough,

strong enough,

courageous enough,

humorous enough,

wealthy enough,

caring enough,

smart enough,

dedicated enough,

loving enough,

swift enough,

proud enough,

humble enough,

contrite enough,

religious enough,

sweet enough,

ambitious enough,

worthy enough,

tall enough,

fat enough,

thin enough,

attractive enough,

sly enough,

cunning enough,

cuddly enough,

poor enough,

educated enough,

socially respected enough,

communicating enough,

positive enough,

negative enough,

apologetic enough,

cowardly enough,

sheltering enough,

political enough,

fatherly enough,

brotherly enough,

serving enough,

kissable enough,

huggable enough,

athletic enough

driven enough,

or encouraging enough.

I’m also sorry that I don’t know how to be the person that everyone THOUGHT or SUGGESTED that I be.  

Hold the Phone! 

I’m NOT sorry for all those things I listed! 

It’s YOU who should be sorry for desiring that I be all those things to make your sorry, pathetic soul happy.  


People who attempt to make others conform to how they want them to live and think is Pathetic!  




25 thoughts on “Public Apology

Herd Mooings