New Guy


It’s been over a week since my last pathetic post, and quite honestly, that’s pathetic in and of itself, but I digress.  What I’ve discovered over the past two weeks is that by taking this new position I really enjoy not being on the help desk; but I can’t say that I’m enjoying everything about my new position.


Not yet anyway.

My new position requires me to buy computer equipment and software for our company.  It’s fairly easy and it’s absolutely nothing like working on a computer help desk where the phone rings constantly.  Truth be told, in the past ten days my phone has only rung maybe four times…two were wrong numbers; so I think you can see how vastly different this new position is from my previous one. 

However, the reason I can’t say that I’m enjoying everything about this position yet is because I haven’t completed my training and therefore, I can’t make a sound and definitive declaration of my true feelings towards what I do.

I’ve only been at this for ten days, but a couple downsides to my new position are that I don’t get to post on WordPress as much as I would like (which I’m sure many of you have noticed),  I didn’t expect to be sitting as much as I do and I didn’t expect to enter numbers into five different systems just to complete one purchase order.

Yeah…five different systems that are all separate from one another, mainly for auditing purposes, but still…five different systems!?  That’s a bit excessive and severely pathetic if you ask me…which you didn’t…but still, you need to know how I feel about it or you won’t know how I feel and that’s pathetic too.

Also, I feel like there is a greater chance for mistakes because copy/paste doesn’t always work from system to system.  There are times when I have to enter the numbers in by hand and if I’m not paying attention or get distracted for a time, I can very easily make a mistake.

So, the training is slow going, but as I stated above, I’ve only been there for ten full days.

One of the more positive aspects of the job are the guys I work with.  They have a great sense of humor and they make going to work more enjoyable than the previous group ever could.

Also, this new team acts more like a real team.  For starters, they believe in cross training, helping one another when we’re swamped, they aren’t possessive of their jobs and the most delightful thing of all…they too find Pinata, Pippi and Magic Mike to be pathetic, worthless souls.

Based on that and that alone, how can I not like these guys!?

Being the new guy is pathetic.