Presidential Campaign Kickoff Speech (fake)


IF…and that’s a big ‘if’ I were ever to announce my candidacy for President of the USA, I would have to write a speech.   So, I thought it over the past couple days and finally came up with one that I think fits the bill.  Leave out all the “political” garbage and just get to the heart of the issue.   


Actually, I’m not sure that this is what I would say, but it is something I would very much like to hear from someone who has decided to run for President.  Buuuuuttt….since we have a bunch of pathetic people who can’t write a speech that’s worth listening to, I’ll just have to do the dirty work. 

Thanks for nothing all you wannabe Presidential herd-mongers.

So without further procrastination…

FYI…  This is copyrighted material created by the owner of “I Refuse To Follow Your Blog” or “IRTFYBLOG” and should not be used without express written consent!!  




(insert pathetic peppy political music here)
