Bitter Friday Morning

grumpy cat

This morning I woke up bitter.

Bitter because I don’t enjoy knowing that those who never try seem to get all the breaks. 

Bitter because the person who does the least work, gets the promotion.

Bitter because those who seem to lack, have more than those who don’t.

Bitter because the world is bassakwards and no one seems to want to change it.

Bitter because some little social whore is about to gain more viewers on her blog in less time than it takes for Kanye West to say something racist.

Bitter because the french toast I made had an image of Satan in it.

Bitter because the orange juice I poured didn’t contain two percent bug or animal parts.

Bitter because I woke up and realized that it’s Friday…not Saturday. 

Bitter because I saw on the news that some idiot cat made his owner a millionaire by just looking grumpy.  — (I’m cute and fuzzy with a grumpy face every day, why don’t I have a million dollars?)   

Bitter because I didn’t come up with the pet rock idea.

Bitter because my heart is jealous that others are being blessed for doing nothing, and I’m not for doing something.

Bitterness is pathetic.