The Plan, Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes

How China and Russia are destroying the USA from the inside.

China and Russia’s impact on the United States is a complex and multifaceted issue. Both countries have engaged in various activities that have raised concerns about their influence on American institutions and society.  From cyber-attacks to disinformation campaigns, they both have ongoing efforts to destabilize the USA.

One of the key areas of concern is cybersecurity.  Both China and Russia are known for their sophisticated cyber capabilities, and there have been numerous instances of cyber-attacks targeting US government agencies, businesses, and infrastructure. These attacks can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from economic damage to compromising national security.

In addition to cyber-attacks, disinformation and propaganda play a significant role in shaping public opinion and sowing discord within the USA. Both China and Russia have been accused of spreading misinformation through social media and other channels to exploit societal divisions and undermine trust in democratic institutions.

Furthermore, there are geopolitical implications to consider. China’s economic rise and increasing global influence pose challenges to the USA’s position as a dominant superpower. Likewise, Russia’s assertive foreign policy and involvement in regional conflicts have strained relations with the United States, contributing to geopolitical tensions.

It’s essential to address these challenges through a combination of robust cybersecurity measures, strategic diplomacy, and a clear-eyed understanding of the global dynamics at play. The USA must remain vigilant in safeguarding its institutions and democracy against external threats while seeking opportunities for constructive engagement with the international community.

You might be surprised to learn that I didn’t write those first five paragraphs. They all came from an artificial intelligence built into WordPress known as: “jetpack”,  and the ideas it presents are fairly straight forward, however, it’s missing a very strategic piece of the Russian-Chinese puzzle.  That “puzzle piece” being the trojan horse that will eventually destroy the USA from the inside.

In Greek mythology, the Trojan Horse was a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks during the Trojan War to enter the city of Troy and win the war.  China and Russia have adopted this strategy, but more on that later. 

Before we get into that, I’d like bring your attention to an article I read recently regarding a former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov who claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S., not on the battlefield, but in the psyche of the American public.

To summarize, Bezmenov described the process as “a great brainwashing” that has four basic stages.  Stage one: “demoralization”.   Two: “destabilization”.  Three: “crisis”, and Four: “normalization”. 

Some of you who have been reading my blog-o-pathetic over the past few years have probably wondered why I refer to the democratic party as the DEMORALcrats, read that article and it should clear that up for you!

Regardless, the great brainwashing has been taking place for some time now.  Bezmenov claimed that it would take about 20 years to complete that stage because that’s how long it would take to re-educate, or indoctrinate, a generation. 

Infiltrate the public media, as well as the educational systems from primary to post-secondary.  Teach an ideology that is close enough to the current ideology but twisted enough to sway opinions; and after 20 or so years we have a generation that is easily swayed by emotions instead of wisdom and is so off kilter in their mindset, that they think wrong is right and right is wrong.  

The next two phases — destabilization and crisis — are a bit more delicate and would take much more planning to actually happen. 

Destabilization would take some time, but here are a couple of ways it could be accomplished.

First, there would need to be persons strategically embedded into offices within ALL levels of United States government.  That means not just city councils, legislatures and congress, but also regular federal, state and local employees.  These persons would have been taught that government saves you, everything should be free, minimum wage should be very high, capitalism is the enemy, and corporate greed is killing this country.  . . . sound familiar

Second, since these people in all levels of US government are easily swayed by emotions, they would have no problem opening the borders to let in every single person who wants to enter the country without papers, without check points, without question, without any sense of reason.

The governments will just let them walk through because those people said they want to be here, and in less than four years, nearly 10 million people will have illegally crossed the border of the USA. 

Of those 10 million, the US government would have no idea how many came from China or Russia or another country that wants to see the USA fall to its proverbial knees.

This is the trojan horse I spoke of earlier. 

And this is where stage three happens – Crisis.

Over those four years, due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants into the US, it would be reported by the journalistic dis-integrity media that many states and communities are dealing with higher crime rates, higher healthcare costs, higher financial burdens and higher numbers of homeless.   — sound familiar? 

Furthermore, it would also be reported that a number of illegals would take part in thefts, murders, kidnappings and other violent crimes against the citizens and law enforcement of the USA.  

And what will  the US government do to protect the citizens? . . . . . . . <crickets> . . . . . . . .   

That’s right. . . . Nothing!

For the better part of the word…the USA will be in crisis mode.

How long will this last?  — That’s a question we can’t answer.  

But the next phase of the Chinese-Russian plan is “normalization” and that’s the phase where independence and freedom are thrown out and replaced with Totalitarianism.  An ideology of dictatorial and complete subservience to the state.

I hate to be an alarmist, but the USA is currently in crisis mode and has been for some time now, and it’s only a matter of time before it falls into “normalization” mode.

I know the majority of Americans don’t want war.  We mostly oppose it and abhor it, but the startling truth is, the USA is at war, we just don’t recognize it.

It’s a war that rages against ideological beliefs that are contrary to what our founding fathers established — a nation where people would be free from the tyranny and oppression of another nation, faction or people group.

Whether you agree or disagree, the fact remains that Americans have a false belief that they are living in peacetime. 

We live with a veil over our eyes that blocks out the truth and until we remove that veil and see what’s really happening, we risk losing every freedom we’ve come to cherish and hold dear, as the delicate balance between security and liberty becomes increasingly precarious. 

With that said, I’ll conclude with these sobering words from Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov: 

“…if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States, you may kiss goodbye to your freedom.”

Article by Paul Ratner:  –  39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America


Advice Needed

Don’t Lean on Your Own Understanding…

This is a concept that I struggle with — To not lean on my own understanding.
The reason for my struggle is because I see things, I hear things and I think about possible outcomes, or possible scenarios that more than likely won’t occur, and my own tiny perception of reality gets the better of me.

See, everything that is happening right now is of God.

He’s the One who has everything in His hands and He’s directing the world stage.

The nation of Israel is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
The terror groups are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
The media outlets (mostly pro-terror and anti-Israel) are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
The protesters are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.

And all the while, other things are happening behind the scenes that we can’t see and we’re not supposed to know about, because God is winning, even though it appears that He’s lost control.

But ya see . . . God’s got this.

And we all need to sit back and watch.

Don’t get up in arms about the chaos, carnage and bloodshed, and don’t try to fix the situation because you’ll just be fighting with God’s plan, and He’ll have to correct you. Do the words: “Get behind me Satan!” ring any bells?

For when you think you’re doing the right thing according to your own desires, you end up fighting against God’s desires and His plan.

Who do you think will win that argument?

So, don’t worry and fret over the horrible pictures and images coming through your televisions, computer monitors and other digital devices.

Let the media outlets paint their own pictures and draw their own conclusions, because they are only doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing as false prophets.

Everything is happening just the way God wants it to happen, so don’t lean on your own understanding.

In the meantime, just sit back and watch everything unfold, and while you’re watching, give praise to God that His plans are unfolding as they are supposed to.

And remember. . . this is not yet the end. — more on that in another post.