Remove Followers…(update)

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Every now and then we bloggers have a few “unwanted” goats that tend to bother our quaint little lives here on WordPress.  They tend to follow our reading and then leave harsh, rude and vulgar comments on every topic no matter how trivial the subject.  For the longest time, we all wanted the ability to remove those unwanted goats from our blogging lives, and I don’t know if this has been available for some time, but WordPress finally gives us the option to remove people who follow our blogs.

here are the steps for this…(hope they work for you).

– From your reader, Click on the “MY SITE” option at the top left of your screen.


– When the next screen appears, look down the left side of the screen and click on “PEOPLE”


– Then click on “FOLLOWERS” in the upper middle of the screen.


– Finally, scroll through the list of “followers” and then click “REMOVE” for each one you want to get rid of.


NOTE:  I didn’t remove anyone…these are just the top three in my list and I used them as an example.

I must caution you though, if you feel it necessary to remove me from following your blog, I’m absolutely positive that you’ll miss all my random comments and ultimately feel compelled to send me a pathetic email begging me to take you back.  So, be careful before you use the power that has been given you.

**Update- I was scrolling through the list of followers and noticed that my WordPress would lock up after the first twenty or so in the list.  I’m not sure if this is a glitch or what, but just thought I’d let you know.