Ice Storm


We had a little ice storm that blew through our area the past couple days and here’s a picture from a webcam perched atop one of the towers at a local television station: 


I think the icicles were a nice touch.  

The whole storm was a pathetic mess.  


20 thoughts on “Ice Storm

  1. Ugh. I know ice isn’t fun and it can be dangerous but I have to say I am jealous? It been 70 degrees here for over a week. Warm weather I just weird in January 😐 And I want to wear a sweater!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! We had an ice storm here once. I was quite impressed. It was a terrible mess, but we have high winds, so the icicles were all going sideways, the trees bent over and frozen. It was kind of pretty, but no water, no power.

    Liked by 1 person

Herd Mooings