
smiling girl

I met a girl. 

It’s not what you think.  She lives in my complex, and I’ve seen her a few times over the past few months but neither of us were able to cross paths…until a few weeks ago.

She was walking her dog and happened to be near my place when I walked out to get my mail.  

I said hi and asked what type of dog she had and that’s when we talked.  

She’s really sweet…and very pretty…and what’s pathetic, is that now I’m infatuated with her.


I met a girl.

that’s all.

pretty pathetic, huh? 

31 thoughts on “Infatuation

  1. So glad to hear you haven’t given up on finding possible goodness among members of my gender! I hope to hear proof of one of my theories of human nature in the near future.

    I believe that a person who does not like animals is a person who is not worth knowing because that indicates to me that they are lacking in kindness and empathy. I hope and suppose that the converse is true and look forward to receiving evidence of same from your future conversations with this girl!

    This type of logic in determining proof of my theory seems a bit backward, doesn’t it? Since I now live among scientists, though, I have learned that this is how they do it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now you see? If it wasn’t the girl on your mind, this post would’ve been begun, “I met a dog….” As it is, we all know now….you’re back out there and looking again…….Hooray!

    Liked by 1 person

Herd Mooings