Time Waster Wednesday


In light of it being April Fool’s Day as well as being Wednesday, I thought I would share a couple of prank videos to help get you through your day.


This is so very wrong…but I also wish I would have thought of it.  Below is a video of a prank done in an elevator with a fake bee keeper. 

This next one is a horrible prank that the guy pulls on his significant other while camping out in the woods. 

Next, we have an elevator prank in Brazil that consists of a coffin and a corpse.  (Is it wrong that I found this to be hysterically funny?) 

Pranks are pathetic.  


But Pathetic. 

11 thoughts on “Time Waster Wednesday

  1. I would step off the elevator as soon as the beekeepers come in! I hate bees! Bear? Ooh, divorce!
    Coffin? Same thing as bees, step off the elevator!

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Herd Mooings